High Tide Wiki

The Goblin (Mitsukurina owstoni), also commonly called the Poglin, is the fifth shark that a player acquires in High Tide.

The goblin shark is a greyish pink shark that has no patterns on it, the tail fins are unique- being a foot like shape, its most distinctive feature, however, is its long "nose".


The Goblin shark is a deep-sea shark, usually only found very deep in the waters, they are known for their protruding jaw, that extends whenever they attack, and uses their Cloak to lower visual range of the divers, however, this doesn't affect trackers, making Tiger shark a great teammate for the goblin shark, as its ability disables trackers.


The Goblin sharks usually play with some kind of Guerrilla Warfare. They usually blind people right before attacking, at which right after the visual diminishing is over, the Goblin shark would have already disappeared with one of the divers.



The following weapons are recommended against Goblins:

  • Mk1 Defense Gun:
    • PRO: Good damage-per-shot combined with six shots make finishing off injured Porbeagles or wounding full-health ones an easy task.
    • PRO: Generous ammo pool, can theoretically kill 2 full-health Porbeagles in a single magazine or 22 full-health Porbeagles if all 66 shots manage to connect.
  • Spear Gun:
    • PRO: High damage-per-shot can instantly kill a Porbeagle.
    • PRO: Reasonable ammo pool allows careful users to survive until the next ammo box.
    • PRO: Unlocked relatively quickly in the game.
    • CON: Somewhat long reload.
  • Harpoon Gun:
    • PRO: Guaranteed death on hit.
    • CON: Long reload makes a lone diver vulnerable against a smart Porbeagle player.
    • CON: Low ammo pool, with only 9 total shots.